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He has called you by name

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

I saw the open tomb and the stone was rolled away. Mary, the follower of Jesus, was coming out of the darkness of the tomb into the light of the Garden.

She saw a man at the entrance of the tomb. She asked the man a question assuming he was The Gardener as the tomb was in a garden.

‘Where is the body of my Lord?’

She did not realise that this man was Jesus the master she had been following all along. Jesus said her name ‘Mary’ and she immediately knew it was him and said ‘Master’ – it was a moment of huge revelation – realisation of the risen Lord himself. Everything in Mary’s life changed at the moment she saw her risen Lord – remember though He was not ascended at this time to the right hand of His Father in heaven.

Father God was showing me that some of followers of our Master Jesus have not seen Him clearly – but that this is a time when He is calling out their names and that each one is realising who He is and who they really are in terms of their walk in Jesus.  Also they are realising the depth of revelation of His resurrection. Jesus is longing for us to know who we are and how much he loves us.

He is calling us to walk deeper into the revelation of His risen Light of Life. For those who are the doubting Thomas’ he is also wanting them to see His wounds, that He has healed them by His wounds (Is 53 – by His wounds we are healed!’)

Mary, which can mean ‘longed for child’, ran and told the others and this is also part of the vision which I saw. Jesus is calling us to run with acceleration to share the news to all that He is alive and well!

Another aspect of this story that Father God was showing me through the Holy Spirit is that Mary, ‘longed for child’, thought he was The Gardener. Holy Spirit said to me that she was correct in this surmation and that Jesus is the gardener of our spirit/soul/life. That he is the one who rains the rain for the plants of faith in our lives to grow. He is the one to go to if there are weeds which need uprooting. He showed me many aspects concerning Father God being The Gardener of the vineyard garden of our lives. He loves to flourish us and untangle us. There is a tomb in the in His word and also in the gardens of our hearts, and this tomb and this dying to ourselves, causes His resurrection life through our communication with Him, listening to Him and our obedience to His words. He is after all The Master teacher and knows what is always best for us, so we can call Him our Master as well as The Gardener.

He showed me that this is where we are at present but there is another stage further of flourishment. The next level is depicted in His word when Jesus ascends to His Father in heaven and is seated at His right hand. I saw Him seated there and he is wants us to be seated in heavenly places next to him. He was showing me that many have not realised who they are with regards this aspect of the resurrection: His ascension. When they realise who they are and believe that He is the ascended King of their whole lives and that they each rule and reign with Him – then they can walk in the greater works He has for them. (Andreas di Meglio teaches on this and I recently listened to a short teaching of his).

Jesus showed me that he is both the Master and The Gardener, both the son of man and son of God. How wonderful ! There is so much more to these revelations but I just wanted to share the bare bones.

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